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Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is a type of editing that focuses on the big picture of a manuscript, such as plot, characterization, structure, and style. It is often the first step in the editing process, and it can be a valuable tool for authors who want to improve their writing and make their manuscripts more publishable.

A developmental editor will read through a manuscript and provide feedback on a variety of areas, including:

  • The overall structure of the manuscript
  • The development of the characters
  • The plot
  • The pacing
  • The voice
  • The style
  • The clarity of the writing

The developmental editor may also suggest changes to the manuscript, such as restructuring the plot, adding or removing characters, or rewriting certain scenes.

Developmental editing can be a helpful way to identify and address any problems with a manuscript before it goes to copyediting or proofreading. It can also help authors to improve their writing skills and to develop their manuscripts into publishable works.

If you are an author who is looking to improve your writing and to make your manuscripts more publishable, developmental editing is a valuable service that can help you achieve your goals.

Here are some of the benefits of developmental editing:

  • Improved plot and structure
  • Well-developed characters
  • Clear and concise writing
  • Consistent voice and style
  • Identification and correction of errors
  • Increased chances of getting published

If you are serious about publishing your work, developmental editing is a worthwhile investment. It can help you to improve your writing and to make your manuscripts more marketable to agents and publishers.

How My Process Works


Round One 

  • 8+ Page Developmental Assessment
  • Full plot reviewed and mapped in Plottr with a heavy focus on how the story is delivered as a whole and what changes can be made to maximize the reader experience.

Round Two

  • Review changes and repeat round one, if necessary.
  • Full Copy Edit for grammar mistakes.
  • Full Line Edit to examine and enhance word choice.

Round Three

  • Send the manuscript off to 1-2 additional beta readers provided by SassyEdits. Both reports will be provided to the author.
  • After publishing, check back in to receive an Amazon-verified purchase review.

Please allow enough time for the entire process. Each round may take up to thirty days of working back and forth between us.

Combine this with our À La Carte formatting for a full self-publishing process.