Beta Reading

A beta reader is usually a test reader of an unreleased work[1] of literature or other writing (similar to beta testing in software), who gives feedback from the point of view of an average reader to the author.[2] A beta reader provides advice and comments in the opinions of an average reader.[3] This feedback is used by the writer to fix remaining issues with plot, pacing, and consistency. The beta reader also serves as a sounding board to see if the book has had the intended intellectual and/or emotional impact on the target market.

Testimony Akinkunmi is a law student from Nigeria. His key attention to plausibility and flow of stories has made a difference in books he has beta-read. He makes books better by making writers identify what areas in their book make the readers lose attention. He is ready to sign needed NDAs and isn’t trigger affected.

Beta Reading
-50,000 words-4 days-$25
-100,000 words-7 days-$40
-150,000 words-10 days-£50

Hello. My name is Stacey Roth, and I am so excited to share my love of reading. I am a wife and a mother of a teenage boy…a teenager…a high schooler! I’m not sure how that happened. When I am not spending time with my family, I’m sure you can guess what I am doing. Yep, READING! I average reading one book every 1-2 days. Sitting down to read a well-written romance novel ...

$25.00 for up to 10,000 words
$50.00 for 10,001-50,000 words
$75.00 for 50,001-100,000 words
7 Day turnaround
I provide a Beta Reader Report and will also include any author specific questions.

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